Saturday, April 4, 2020



A "*" gives you the right answer!

1) What was the name of Hannibal’s father?


-Hamilcar *


2) What did “Barca” mean in ancient Phoenician-Carthaginian?



-The Wise

-Thunderbolt *

3) In what year did Hannibal cross the Alps?

-215 BC

-218 BC *

-220 BC

-219 BC

4) What battle was considered one of the greatest ambush in history?

-Battle of Lake Trasimene *

-Battle of Cannae

-Battle of Zama

-Battle of the Trebia

5) What was the name of the last of Hannibal’s elephant in Italy?

-Surus *




6) Where did most of Hannibal’s elephants originated from?

-North Africa *




7) What is a “Fabian Strategy”?

-A strategy of offensive at all costs

-A strategy of non-engagement and containment *

-A strategy of building fortified camps

-A strategy of overcoming enemy fortified positions

8) How many miniatures of leaders are in the game 

Hannibal and Hamilcar?

 (answer in the game’s Kickstarter page!

-24 *



9) Which mercenary group never fought for Hannibal?

-The Spaniards

-The Samnites

-The Celts

-The Nubians *

10) What was the core formation of the Carthaginian army during 

the Punic Wars?

-The cohort

-The infantry phalanx *

-The maniple 
-The Lybian light troops

11) In the game Hannibal and Hamilcar, what is the southernmost 

province of the map?



-Apulia *


12) How many Macedonian soldiers fought in the Carthaginian army during

 the Battle of Zama?

-4,000 *




13) According to ancient authors, how many casualties did the Romans

suffer  at the Battle of Cannae?

-Between 20,000 and 35,000

-Between 35,000 and 50,000

-Between 50,000 and 70,000

-Between 70,000 and 85,000 *

14) What were the name of the Roman generals killed in action by 

Hasdrubal Barca at the Battles of Upper Baetis?

-Gnaeus Scipio and Statorius

-Publius Scipio and Mandonius

-Statorius and Syphax

-Gnaeus Scipio and Publius Scipio *

15) How did Hannibal lose his right eye?

-While training as a teenager

-Because of conjunctivitis *

-By an injury caused by an arrow

-At the Battle of Lake Trasimene

16) What triggered the First Punic War?

-A diplomatic insult from Hannibal Gisco

-The control of the island of Sicily *

-A dispute over the sacred site of Agrigento

-Carthage’s support of Epirus against Rome

17) During the First Punic War, what device was invented by 

the Romans to board Carthaginian ships?

-The harpax 
-The corvus *

-The ram

-The ballista

18) During the Battles of Croton (204-203 BC), what was the Carthagian

 army suffering from?

-The spread of an epidemic

-The shortage of food

-The complete loss of a large Carthaginian supply fleet

-All of the above *

19) What galley type was the most commonly used at the time of the 

Punic Wars?

-The Trireme

-The Quinquereme *

-The Octere

-The Hexareme

20) How many battles did Publius Cornelius Scipio “Africanus” 

lose before his triumph at Zama in 202 BC?

-None *

-1 battle

-3 battles

-4 battles

21) How many cards are in the game Hannibal and Hamilcar?

(answer in the game’s Kickstarter page!  

-64 cards

-128 cards

-182 cards

-A whooping 214 cards *

22) Which was the first naval encounter between Rome and Carthage, 

which ended in a complete rout for the Romans?

-The Battle of Tyndaris

-The Battle of Lipara *

-The Battle of Cape Ecnomus

-The Battle of Salamina

23) How many of Hannibal Barca’s brothers died in 

campaign against Rome?


-1 brother

-2 brother *

-3 brothers

24) According to mythology, which famous woman founded Carthage?

-Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons

-Queen Dido from Tyre *

-Artemisia of Caria

-Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae 


25) What was the capacity of Carthage’s military harbour ?

-50 warships

-100 warships

-200 warships *

-500 warships

26) Who famously declared “Carthago delenda est”?

-Fabius Maximus

-Scipio Africanus


-Cato the Censor *

27) What percentage of the overall Roman population perished in battle 

during the 2nd Punic War ?


-8% *



28) What prestigious award did the Hannibal and Hamilcar 

game won in 2018?  

(if you still ignore that answer, look at:

-The Gaming Industry Award

-The American Tabletop Award

-The Golden Geek Best Wargame Award *

-The Spiel der Jahres Award

29) How did Rome gain the goddess Venus’ favor during the 2nd Punic War?

-By offering a giant sacrifice of 100 white bulls

-By laying siege to the city of Eryx and capturing her image *

-By offering all of the city’s gold for the construction of a new temple

-By making the goddess the most important of the Roman pantheon

30) After its destruction in 146 BC, who re-founded the city of Carthage?

-Gaius Marius



-Julius Caesar *


During the Boxer Rebellion, an Eight-Nation gunboat squadron bombarded the Chinese forts situated at the mouth of the Hai (Peiho) river. ...