Friday, April 3, 2020


Art by Peter Dennis

1) What was the name of Hannibal’s father?
2) What did “Barca” mean in ancient Phoenician-Carthaginian?
-The Wise
3) In what year did Hannibal cross the Alps?
-215 BC
-218 BC
-220 BC
-219 BC
4) What battle was considered one of the greatest ambush in history?
-Battle of Lake Trasimene
-Battle of Cannae
-Battle of Zama
-Battle of the Trebia
5) What was the name of the last of Hannibal’s elephant in Italy?
6) Where did most of Hannibal’s elephants originated from?
-North Africa
7) What is a “Fabian Strategy”?
-A strategy of offensive at all costs
-A strategy of non-engagement and containment
-A strategy of building fortified camps
-A strategy of overcoming enemy fortified positions
8) How many miniatures of leaders are in the game Hannibal and Hamilcar? (answer in the game’s Kickstarter page!
9) Which mercenary group never fought for Hannibal?
-The Spaniards
-The Samnites
-The Celts
-The Nubians
10) What was the core formation of the Carthaginian army during the Punic Wars?
-The cohort
-The infantry phalanx
-The maniple
-The Lybian light troops
11) In the game Hannibal and Hamilcar, what is the southernmost province of the map? (clue at BGG:
12) How many Macedonian soldiers fought in the Carthaginian army during the Battle of Zama?
13) According to ancient authors, how many casualties did the Romans suffer at the Battle of Cannae?
-Between 20,000 and 35,000
-Between 35,000 and 50,000
-Between 50,000 and 70,000
-Between 70,000 and 85,000
14) What were the name of the Roman generals killed in action by Hasdrubal Barca at the Battles of Upper Baetis?
-Gnaeus Scipio and Statorius
-Publius Scipio and Mandonius
-Statorius and Syphax
-Gnaeus Scipio and Publius Scipio
15) How did Hannibal lose his right eye?
-While training as a teenager
-Because of conjunctivitis
-By an injury caused by an arrow
-At the Battle of Lake Trasimene
16) What triggered the First Punic War?
-A diplomatic insult from Hannibal Gisco
-The control of the island of Sicily
-A dispute over the sacred site of Agrigento
-Carthage’s support of Epirus against Rome
17) During the First Punic War, what device was invented by the Romans to board Carthaginian ships?
-The harpax
-The corvus
-The ram
-The ballista
18) During the Battles of Croton (204-203 BC), what was the Carthagian army suffering from?
-The spread of an epidemic
-The shortage of food
-The complete loss of a large Carthaginian supply fleet
-All of the above
19) What galley type was the most commonly used at the time of the Punic Wars?
-The Trireme
-The Quinquereme
-The Octere
-The Hexareme
20) How many battles did Publius Cornelius Scipio “Africanus” lose before his triumph at Zama in 202 BC?
-1 battle
-3 battles
-4 battles
21) How many cards are in the game Hannibal and Hamilcar?
-64 cards
-128 cards
-182 cards
-A whooping 214 cards
22) Which was the first naval encounter between Rome and Carthage, which ended in a complete rout for the Romans?
-The Battle of Tyndaris
-The Battle of Lipara
-The Battle of Cape Ecnomus
-The Battle of Salamina
23) How many of Hannibal Barca’s brothers died in campaign against Rome?
-1 brother
-2 brothers
-3 brothers
24) According to mythology, which famous woman founded Carthage?
-Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons
-Queen Dido from Tyre
-Artemisia of Caria
-Queen Tomyris of the Massagetae
25) What was the capacity of Carthage’s military harbour ?
-50 warships
-100 warships
-200 warships
-500 warships
26) Who famously declared “Carthago delenda est”?
-Fabius Maximus
-Scipio Africanus
-Cato the Censor
27) What percentage of the overall Roman population perished in battle during the 2nd Punic War ?
28) What prestigious award did the Hannibal and Hamilcar game won in 2018? (if you still ignore that answer, look at:
-The Gaming Industry Award
-The American Tabletop Award
-The Golden Geek Best Wargame Award
-The Spiel der Jahres Award
29) How did Rome gain the goddess Venus’ favor during the 2nd Punic War?
-By offering a giant sacrifice of 100 whitebulls
-By laying siege to the city of Eryx and capturing her image
-By offering all of the city’s gold for the construction of a new temple
-By making the goddess the most important of the Roman pantheon
30) After its destruction in 146 BC, who re-founded the city of Carthage?
-Gaius Marius
-Julius Caesar.


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